I'm a 28 year old software developer from just south of Nashville,
TN. I have a one year old son named Jeremy who takes up most of my
time, but in the limited amount of spare time I do have, you'll find
me wood-working, playing old video games (nes, snes), or watching
Seseme Street with Jeremy. I enjoy learning new technologies and
frameworks. My favorite programming language is C#, but I've
recently began to appreciate javascript more. Feel free to reach out
to me if you wanna chat!
Sleep Solutions & Services
March 2020 - Present
Full Stack Developer
c# (.net 4.8/core) • javascript • react • sql server •
Implemented a chat-now feature which allows patients to
instantly communicate with our customer service
Added the ability to verify a patient's insurance eligibility
into our order process.
Developed numerous features for an internal application used
by hundres of employees daily.
Communicated directly with external parties to integrate
additional functionality into our applications.
May 2018 - March 2020
Software Engineer I
c# (.net framework/core) • Java • JavaScript • React •
PostgreSQL • ASP.NET • Spring
Developed a data‑driven API which allowed users to obtain
insurance rates from many different insurance carriers.
Implemented an administrator tool using ASP.NET core with
React which allowed our business analysts toeasily update the
data used by the API above.emented an administrator tool using
ASP.NET core with React which allowed our business analysts
toeasily update the data used by the API above.
Maintained and developed a multitude of projects used to
interface our product with different external insurance
Served as Scrum Master for the team which developed the API
above. Additional duties included organizingand facilitating
team meetings and articulating project status to upper
Austin Peay State University
Graduated May 2018
B.S. Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics